That is the most simple way to sum up my life for the past, it feels like, five or so years. I feel like I am constantly on the go, with no end or break in sight. It seems like it all started when my Papa died. I won't say pass away because that give the impression of it being a peaceful event. His death was anything but that. Since that time, it seems like things have been non-stop. I have lost count how many times I had moved and I was back and forth between Texas and Louisiana for the past few years. I did manage to work at a job in Dallas that I actually loved, for the most part. Though the drive and people drove me crazy sometimes, I absolutely loved the position I was given. I felt like I made a difference, I loved what I was doing, and I was appreciated.
After I felt like I was settled in and loving life, we received orders and were back to the shit hole I call New Orleans. Now, before any of you start criticizing me, let me explain something. First of all, if you have ever visited as a tourist, it is not the same as having to live here on a daily basis. Secondly, being born and raised, I have watched this city go from great, with a slight time at mediocre and then straight to hell. Everyone likes to blame Hurricane Katrina, but those of us who were in the city prior to the hurricane with our eyes truly open to our surroundings knew it was going to shit well before that time, the hurricane just expedited the process. Anyways, now that I've gone completely off topic, I was happy and disappointed at the same time. My family was here as well as some of my friends. On the other hand, I finally found a place where I felt like I belonged and I had to uproot and move once again. It was heartbreaking and stressful, but I did it, because as a Marine wife, that is what you have to do. You make friends, you build bonds and as soon as you feel like you have some life normalcy and stability, it is ripped from your grasp.
I had several interviews before the planned move, followed by a few great job offers. Being my typical self and not liking the unknown, I took a position that I had already been in and thought I would be comfortable with. Well, suffice it to say, there is a reason they have that saying "some risks are worth taking." I should have taken the leap and ventured out into the unknown, but instead I went with the "safe" option. As I'm sure many of you can tell by now, that was a huge disaster. I won't go into detail as to why it was a huge mistake, but since the time of taking that offer, I've gained the weight back that I lost when I had a healthy job that I was happy at, I picked up smoking (which is absolutely disgusting for a girl in my opinion) and have become basically a downright unhappy, disgusting, miserable person.
Thanks to the suggestion of a friend, I checked out a position that sounded too good to be true. I applied, was called for a phone interview and then met with the hiring managers in person. It was a quick process and was surprised to hear back just the day after my interview with a job offer. I took it without hesitation. So much for not jumping blindly into the unknown!!