Happy Hump Day Everybody! I'm trying to get back into the habit of posting my hottie pick of the week up on hump day to give you all a little something to think about. I know that I have a few men followers so I promise to change it up a bit and add in some female hotties too :)
Today's Hump Day choice is....drum roll please.....
MR. SAM WORTHINGTON! Sir, you are one major hunk!! I could stare into those beautiful eyes all day! But I digress, many of you recognize him as the main character, Jack Sully, in Avatar (amazing in 3D by the by!). I think maybe my attraction to him may partially be the fact that he played a Marine, but mainly because he is just a hottie. Anyways, ladies enjoy! Men, I'll have a male AND female hottie next hump day ;)
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